Statement from Department of Transportation Director Michelle Pourciau Regarding Bus Lane Fine Enforcement

“With regard to reports about the failure to apply the new bus lane traffic violations, it’s important to emphasize that traffic fines are not primarily a revenue generating mechanism, but about discouraging unsafe behavior and ensuring the public safety.”

“Over the last two years, we have been partnering with the MTA as they rolled-out the Baltimore Link initiative to inform and educate Baltimore residents about transit opportunities and the need to accommodate different modes of transportation, including bikes. The State issues guidance for traffic enforcement in the form of an actual booklet and it has been our priority to ensure that there is consistency in applying the new and appropriate fine among the various departments which are required to enforce the law. (MTA, Sherriff, DTA, BPD, University Police, State Police). This process to inform, train and publish new guidelines for all law enforcement officers and various agencies who are responsible for traffic enforcement has taken more time than anticipated. We would prefer to err on the side of consistency and fairness, than to have had some individuals fined disproportionately higher than others.

“That said, the new fine levels have been fully implemented and have been in effect for nearly a month.”

                        -Michelle Pourciau, Director, Baltimore City Department of Transportation


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