Upcoming Public Meetings
Micromobility Committee Quarterly Meeting
Date: Wednesday, January 8
Time: 10A
Location: https://bmore.webex.com/bmore/j.php?MTID=mfb915ce4270c0227e14ed2de479c2221 (Webex)
We're discussing all things micromobility in Baltimore, from bikes to scooters and more!
Dial-In: 408-418-9388, Passcode: 2330 310 2957
Need accommodations? Contact us at DOTCivilRights@baltimorecity.gov or 410-361-9720 at least 48 hours in advance.
Learn more about the Micromobility Committee: HTTP://transportation.baltimorecity.gov/dockless-vehicle-committee
We apologize for any inconvenience and will share the new date, time, and details as soon as they become available. Thank you for your understanding as we continue to improve pedestrian safety and traffic flow and revitalize the Belair Road corridor.
Stay tuned for updates!